This is a book I'm currently reading and currently battling with in my thoughts. The book points out the struggle we face as American followers of Christ. We say we desire to see the lost come to know a loving relationship with Christ, yet how we spend and our time and money don't reflect this. The author, K.P. Yohannan is not blaming American Christians but is simply sharing an observation he had when he first came to the U.S. from India. As I look inwardly and think about this, I am convicted, but at the same time feel helpless in knowing how to change this mindset. As I become more keenly aware of this in myself, it's also hard not to look at our churches and others and judge. This is by no means right for me to do, and I'm sorting through all of these thoughts and praying for peace on how to handle the blessings God gives us in the American culture while being the good stewards that he desires of us. A few excerts from the book are below:
" 80% of the world's people have never owned a Bible while Americans have an average of 4 in every household."
"God's plan A for the redemption of the world is the Church."
"Why is it necessary for us to save our money in bank accounts when Jesus commanded us not to lay up treasures on this earth." - Where do we draw the line on this?
I have this book!