Once again I have failed to keep my blog updated. It's amazing to me how quickly time seems to be moving. I blink and 3 months have passed! In a few days Nathan will be six months old. I don't know how this has happened. I'm pretty sure he was just born yesterday. With age he is becoming more and more fun. I love watching his expressions as he discovers new things, and his smiles are enough to melt all your worries away. After Nathan was first born, I was worried about trying to make sure I did things the "right" way and was concerning myself over reading books and blogs. In the past 3 months though, I've thrown most of it out the window and have just relished in the enjoyment of raising a baby. If I want to rock him to sleep I do it and don't even think about whether I'm spoiling him. I realize that those will be the moments I miss in the coming years, and it will make no difference anymore if he can soothe himself to sleep or not. I do have to say though, he is such a good baby, and I am thankful for his content and happy personality. Let's just hope he doesn't take after his momma and have the "terrible two's."
I started Christmas shopping tonight! I ordered the first gift for someone. So excited. I love giving people presents.